Why I AM ...?
Our beliefs about who we are and the "I AMs" we tell ourselves are developed in our early years. Some of these can be helpful, and others we may need to challenge.
I am helpful... I am strong... I am capable... I am brave... I am worthy of love and belonging... I am perfect the way I am. I am enough.
I am tired... I am useless... I am clumsy... I am hopeless... I am stupid... I am not good enough.
" I AMs " are like powerful little voices inside our heads. These voices may have developed from words we have heard from a teacher, a parent, a caregiver, or a dear friend. Sometimes, they can even come from a total stranger.
They can be helpful, useful, and encouraging, or harmful, hurtful and totally inaccurate. We take them on as facts and search for evidence to support them.
We allow them to define us. We will enable them to impact the way we communicate with others. We allow them to affect the future of our decisions and influence how worthy we believe we are of love, belonging, and self-care.
As parents, we must also be mindful of the "I AMs" our children are creating. We are responsible for guiding and allowing them to reach their most significant potential. It is a beautiful privilege to love and care for children. We can support them in developing useful "I AMs" and gently encourage them to challenge the voices that are not helpful.
My intention in creating these products was to bring awareness to this.
Each product has been created from my love for aromatherapy, kinesiology, and Reiki and my understanding of the importance of self-care and kind self-talk. Each product includes a nurturing affirmation.
Small steps to a healthier and happier world. xxx